"Mr. Hollywood," I asked interested in the convenient nickname given to this "mystery guy". I really didn't want to believe that this had been the woman in Donovan's apartment and I especially didn't want to believe that this bitch was friends with my most dearest of friends. This girl housed an evil spirit. You could smell the stench of hate and manipulation and bitterness coming off of her. "That's an interesting name, what he do," I added. Violet's eyes darted towards me like daggers. "Bitch don't be asking me no question like that, I don't know who tf who are," she snapped. Chrissy and Ginger were just as shocked as I was to hear Violet lose her shit. I knew the girl was evil, but damn I didn't think she would be bold enough to get so loud with me in a public space. Initially, I wanted to let her have it right then and there, but I thought about Bella and how disappointed she would have been that her friend...
I haven't been touched since the day he left A few have tried but the tips of their fingers pass right through me As if I'm not even there Invisible or an apparition Blending into my surroundings Because I turn down the noise In fear of Being louder than they all expect I can't seem to feel anything Besides the growing disappointment With deep roots planted in my loins, It's limbs outstretched Covering all signs of pleasure with It's thick black cloud of smoke, Rolling in like tsunami waves But in you came like the strongest Gust of wind With your heart reaching towards the heavens Not even the darkness and depth of the oceans in which I reside Could make you flinch or bat your eyes You subdued me even before letting your hands graze my soft Yet neglected body You pierce through my soul As you analyze all the unkept desires Hidden behind Eyes too loud To hold secrets But quiet enough To go...