My soul is aching. How can you smile? Did you cut the cord without communicating with me. Is there another love of yours stealing away your heart? But it couldn't be. Days pass and still you return. And the distance is grand but still I feel pressure in my chest from the tug on cords still connected. How can you be okay without a love so true? So true you already denounced the hope of opening your heart to anyone who isn't me. How do you promise to love me forever and yet your turn around and offer to care for me conditionally? Conditions and restrictions. Rules to follow. Boundaries to respect. The right to make requests is no longer a right. Appreciation has turned in a longing fed by time rather than starved by it. Pain is full while the heart still hungers for resolve. How is this happening? This is cruel. Why are you smiling? How can you stand there upright? I'm barely hanging on. The world as o knew it no longer exists. Monsters are re...
Come inside my mind and read what it's like to be in my head. Creating my own world because reality was never fun.