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Showing posts from November, 2015

Sharing My Demons: A Love Story

It happens to me everyday. Breathless, chest tight, the overwhelming feeling of dread. I'm consumed with a worry so overbearing, I literally feel trapped between two walls that continue to close in on me. I hold my breath and shut my eyelids so tight I start to feel slight pain from the strain. I'm never sure what I expect to happen. Maybe I'm hoping that when I open my eyes and begin to breathe once again, that the worry will disappear and I will be back to normal once again. My mind is over taken with recurring thoughts of despair and hopelessness. Worry attacking me tirelessly as I panic for a solution to the panic I felt initially. It wasn't until recently, as I entered into early adulthood, that I could put a name to big bad monster haunting me endlessly. As a young girl I could not understand why I had such trouble falling asleep or remaining sleep throughout the night. I thought it was a fault of mine because I seemed to be the only one with the problem. I'd...